Newsletter May 2020

Newsletter May 2020


The ECOICO 2020 late-breaking abstract deadline has been extended to 30th June 2020

Submit your abstract by 30th June 2020 to share your work with your professional community. See full details on the European and International Congress on Obesity website

EASO Members FlagsEASO Members

EASO National Association members and stakeholders come from a wide range of professions and include clinicians, allied health professionals and scientists working in obesity research and education; opinion leaders, advocacy and patient groups led by ECPO; health focused organisations, national governments, policy makers, representatives of the European institutions and the wider international obesity community.

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COVID-19 Resources

EASO has a key role in disseminating evidence-based information about the COVID-19 pandemic among our National Associations and members, clinicians, scientists, research professionals and ECPO patient communities.

The EASO medical and scientific community across Europe is intensively engaged in addressing the global COVID-19 pandemic. Our clinicians are working in the front line of care for patients living with obesity within emergency care systems, in coordination with other clinical colleagues across 34 countries. Our scientists are hard at work developing tools and frameworks for contributing to psychological support for clinicians and patients, developing and implementing public health strategies, providing guidance and support for whole family assistance, and development and provision of advice for children and teens.

Our role in this crisis will be crucial in the dissemination of science-based information and providing common-sense, evidence-based updates, recommendations and guidance via our website and social media.

Click here to learn more

Obesity Facts Logo

EASO position statement on COVID-19

We are pleased to share the European Association for the Study of Obesity Position Statement on the global COVID-19 pandemic online in Obesity Facts.

Click here to learn more

Overweight and Obesity as Risk Factors for COVID19Overweight and obesity as risk factors for COVID-19: EASO webinars

Following publication of the society position statement on the Global COVID-19 pandemic and obesity in Obesity Facts, the European Journal of Obesity, EASO was pleased to host a webinar with members of the Executive Committee, Obesity Management Task Force (OMTF) and Centres for Obesity Management (COMs) on Friday 8 May 2020 focused on obesity and the novel coronavirus.

Read more and watch the webinar here

Susanna Lehtinen-JacksKeep your distance: Susanna Lehtinen-jJcks, EASO public policy and public health task force on language during the COVID-19 pandemic

During the past couple of weeks, I – like many others – have been keeping social distance, in order to avoid infection or further spread of COVID-19. I admit that I did not think too much of this terminology before I saw the letter by Wasserman et al. (2020), but having read their letter, it suddenly became obvious to me that there is something strange in the concept social distancing.

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Practical advice on healthy hydrationPractical advice on healthy hydration

We are all spending more time at home during the coronavirus health emergency, and there are several reasons we should drink water, the largest constituent element of the human body.

Download our practical guide here

Additional infographics developed in conjunction with our scientific and patient communities are also available – energy intake, mental health, family life with children and adolescents, and indoor exercise.

Teenager listens to music on their smartphoneMental health helplines and resources for teens and young people

It is common for everyone to experience increased anxiety and distress during this public emergency. It is also important to acknowledge that mental health issues, including depression and anxiety may worsen. Mental Health Europe has compiled a helpful list of youth focused resources across the continent in conjunction with Euro Youth Mental Health members.

Click here to read more

10 tips to handle anxiety and social isolation during this periodGamian support for physical isolation during COVID-19

Our multi-country lockdown, physical distancing and self-isolation due to the coronavirus pandemic can lead to an experience of anxiety and social isolation. This can happen to anyone, whether or not you faced mental health issues in the past. Our colleagues at GAMIAN have developed these 10 tips to help us handle anxiety and feelings of social isolation.

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Johns Hopkins University’s Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases TrackerJohns Hopkins university coronavirus COVID-19 global cases tracker

The highly regarded Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 Global Cases dashboard tracks the spread of the virus, and can assist us in both visualising who is being affected and developing efficient, targeted strategies to mitigate the challenges of this public health emergency. See more, including continually updated interactive maps, on the Johns Hopkins website.

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Healthy foodNutrition during quarantine: a discussion with professor Annamaria Colao, university Federico II

We had an opportunity to speak with professor Annamaria Colao from University Federico II of Naples, Italy who has recently published an article on nutritional recommendations for quarantine.

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Obesity and COVID-19What you need to know about obesity and COVID-19: a guide for patients

EASO and ECPO are pleased to join with our North American colleagues from
Obesity Canada and the Obesity Action Coalition (OAC) to share this new infographic for patients. This evidence – based resource can be downloaded and shared widely.

Download the PDF for offline viewing

Guidelines for self-isolationGuidelines for self-isolation

Theses guidelines are for individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 but have mild or no symptoms. Mild symptoms include low fever, mild fatigue, coughing, but without pneumonia symptoms and with no accompanying chronic illness.

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EASO ECPO Webinar SlidesEASO ECPO webinar slides

Watch the webinar

We co-hosted a recent webinar with ECPO on the Psychology of Appetite and Obesity during the COVID-19 global pandemic. The full webinar recording is available above on the ECPO website. Webinar slides are also available.

Click here to view

CDC Officially Recognises Obesity as COVID-19 Complications RiskCDC officially recognises obesity as COVID-19 complications risk

Based on currently available information and clinical expertise, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises that older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions, including obesity with a higher BMI, might be at higher risk for complications and severe illness from COVID-19.

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Breastfeeding and COVID-19

Breastfeeding and COVID-19: new WHO Europe position paper

Breastmilk is the best source of nutrition for infants, including infants whose mothers have confirmed or suspected coronavirus infection. As long as an infected mother takes appropriate precautions—as outlined in the WHO Europe position paper shared here—she can breastfeed her baby.

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Obesity and COVID-19 with Dr. Arya Sharma and Dr. Sue PedersenObesity and COVID-19: a discussion with DR. Arya Sharma and Dr. Sue Pedersen

This patient – friendly presentation on obesity and COVID-19 was shared by our colleagues at Obesity Canada. Dr Sue Pedersen and Dr Arya Sharma discuss the intersection of obesity and the novel coronavirus.

Woman and boy preparing dinnerUCSF supports patients during Covid-19 – helpful resources

We are pleased to share this excellent compilation of resources, including tips for families on mental health and coping. These evidence-based strategies were developed by The University of California San Francisco to support patients with eating disorders while coping with COVID-19.

Click here to read more

WHO COVID-19 advice on WhatsAppWHO and Facebook join forces to bring evidence based conversations to Whatsapp

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has initiated an accessible new tool to help answer questions for citizens about COVID-19. The new messaging service, was developed in partnership with WhatsApp and Facebook as a public service providing the latest news and information on coronavirus.

Click here to read more

Education and Advocacy

EASO develops high quality education and training resources for clinicians and HCPs working in obesity treatment and care. Educational tools include an open access eTraining platform in multiple languages, guidelines, slide decks, webcasts and standardised course content.

EASO Summer School 2019 Gallery – Group Photos2020 TTT summer school postponed due to COVID-19

The EASO Summer School has been postponed due to COVID19. Further information will be available soon.

EASO hosts a popular course which provides expert training for trainers across disciplines in the clinical management of obesity, and provides public health and patient perspectives. Last summer we hosted an excellent course in Annecy, France.

complexity of obesityObesity is a chronic disease

We are pleased to share this new infographic, developed with our Canadian colleagues, explaining the complexity of obesity. Learn more about genetic, biological, and environmental aspects of this remitting, relapsing chronic disease.

Download the PDF here

Fruit and Vegetables being measured in cupsEFAD hydration resource centre

Our colleagues at The European Federation of the Associations of Dieticians, EFAD, host a hydration resource centre, providing access to useful tools for clinical practice. There are useful messages here for patients too.

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European policy around obesity is a priority of EASO. We look forward to hosting our 2020 Europe-wide high level policy conference virtually. KOLs in our Public HealthTask Force, Obesity Management Task Force and Childhood Obesity Task Force issue position papers and guidance on key issues in policy that impact obesity.

EU Health Collaboration LogoEU health coalition statement on COVID-19: call for solidarity and action

EASO is an active member of the EU Health Coalition. Here we share the Coalition Statement on COVID-19 and the call to action to protect the most vulnerable groups. 150 million Europeans are living with chronic conditions; 50 million have multiple conditions. People living with diabetes, cancer, obesity, and other chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have a higher risk of complications and death from COVID-19. The Coalition calls for more solidarity and coordinated EU level action to protect vulnerable groups.

Click here to read more

WHO Logo

WHO issues a call for data on effects of policies or interventions that influence the school food environment

Developing guidelines on policy actions to promote healthy diets and nutrition can contribute greatly to the implementation of key global commitments and ultimately to the achievement of health- and nutrition-related SDGs.

WHO is requesting interested Member States and other parties to submit available evidence reviews for effects of policies or interventions that influence the school food environment, including grey literature or studies.

Click here to read more

Obesity a key challenge for Europe in 2020Obesity: a key challenge for Europe in 2020

Obesity is a major health challenge in Europe. Jacqueline Bowman Busato, EASO policy lead, explains this urgent, relevant health priority for policymakers, NGOs, research funders, health professionals and the public in the April edition of Open Access Policy.

Click here to read more

Apply Now!

EASO certification in obesity management

EASO Certification in Obesity Management

The EASO Certification in Obesity Management recognises national and European experts in obesity management.

Click here to apply

EU Projects!

EASO acts as a dissemination and communications partner in a number of important EU funded Horizon 2020 research projects, often as WP leader.

PROTEIN project Header

PROTEIN: research initiative using ai and big data to promote health and wellbeing

Read more on the PROTEIN Project website

Click here to sign up for the PROTEIN Project newsletter.


SWEET, a European Commission Horizon 2020 funded project, is supported by a consortium of 29 pan-European research, consumer and industry partners, who will develop and review evidence on long term benefits and potential risks involved in switching over to sweeteners and sweetness enhancers (S&SEs) in the context of public health and safety, obesity, and sustainability.

Read more on the SWEET website

Click here to sign up for the SWEET newsletter.


NoHoW final workshop


Our final project workshop took place at a COMs training workshop at Hospital Lusiadas in Lisbon on 25 Feb 2020. The workshop was co-hosted by ADEXO (the Portuguese society for Patients with Obesity) and by two accredited EASO Centres for Obesity Management (COMs). The workshop showcased key elements of the NoHoW project and the Position Statement

Read more on the NoHoW website

NoHoW project publications and lay summaries available

NoHoW Project Publications and Lay Summaries Available

The NoHoW project has been well received by the European medical and scientific community and has inspired greater focus on the principle of long-term weight gain prevention as the key aim of weight management services. All peer reviewed scientific project publications are available open- access on the NoHoW project site.

Read more here

ECOICO HeaderReminder: NEW DATES

European and International Congress on Obesity
1-4th September 2020
Dublin, Ireland

View ECOICO2020 Website



Meet in Ireland