The European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) was established as an individual membership association.

EASO was registered as a non-profit organisation in Paris, France.
EASO introduced awards for scientific excellence.
The Friedrich Wassermann Award
For senior scientists demonstrating a long standing contribution to the field.
The Early Career Network Awards
For Basic Science, Clinical Research, Childhood Obesity and Public Health – aimed at rising stars in Europe.
The EASO General Council fundamentally amended the EASO bylaws.
Changing it from an individual member association to a country member association (similar to a federation).

EASO established three scientific Task Forces
Childhood Obesity (COTF)
Obesity Management (OMTF)
Prevention and Public Health (PPHTF)
Publishes new guidelines.
EASO, through its Obesity Management Task Force, published guidelines on ‘Management of Obesity in Adults: Project for European Primary Care’.
Registered as a charity in the UK (England & Wales)
The General Council also agreed to divide EASO into three regions (North, Middle, South) and appointed three Regional Vice Presidents to the Executive Committee.

Registered as a charity in the UK (England & Wales)
The General Council also agreed to divide EASO into three regions (North, Middle, South) and appointed three Regional Vice Presidents to the Executive Committee.
EASO joined the EU Platform on Diet, Physical Activity and Health.
EASO established its new Investigators United (NIU) Network.
Obesity Facts, the official organ of EASO, was launched
Publishes new guidelines
EASO, through its OMTF and in collaboration with the IFSO European Chapter, published guidelines ‘Interdisciplinary European Guidelines on Surgery of Severe Obesity’.
EASO, through its OMTF, published a revision of its guidelines on ‘Management of Obesity in Adults: Project for European Primary Care’.
EASO established its own Administrative Office, a Scientific Advisory Board and the Björntorp Symposia Series
EASO established a Communications and Fundraising Committee (CFC)
First Strategic Review and Plan
EASO conducted its first Strategic Review and developed its 2010–2012 Strategic Plan.
Publishes new paper
EASO, through its COTF, published a ‘practical tips paper’ on the ‘Evaluation of the Overweight/Obese Child – Practical Tips for the Primary Health Care Provider’.

EASO entered into formal relations with the WHO Regional Office for Europe.
A Network of Collaborating Centres for Obesity Management (COMs) is established.
European Obesity Medico-Surgical Workshop is established, in collaboration with IFSO-EC.
EASO organised the ‘European Obesity Research Conference’, hosted by the EU Commission.
EASO became a member of the JPI-HDHL Stakeholder Advisory Board (SHAB).