Summer School: Train the Trainer - Physical Activities

Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health.

Body mass index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify overweight and obesity in adults. It is defined as a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of his height in meters (kg/m2).

BMI 25 Overweight, BMI 30 Obesity

Obesity is a complex disease characterised by excessive adiposity that impairs health.  Body Mass Index (BMI) is a surrogate marker of adiposity, allowing segregation of obesity into three levels of severity, including:

  • Class 1: BMI of 30.00 kg/m2 to 34.99 kg/m2
  • Class 2 (moderate): BMI of 35.00 kg/m2 to 39.99 kg/m2
  • Class 3 (severe): BMI of 40.00 kg/m2 or higher.

Altered BMI criteria may apply to specific populations, such as the widespread use of lower BMI cut-offs in the Asian population.

Obesity may arise from different causes, including altered environments, personal situations and psycho-social factors, medications, diseases, trauma, iatrogenic procedures, and genetic variations.

The science behind Obesity

What causes obesity and overweight?

What causes obesity and overweight?

Health consequences of overweight and obesity

Health consequences of overweight and obesity

Childhood obesity trends

Childhood obesity trends

Global obesity trends and prevalence facts

Global obesity trends and prevalence facts