National Association of Dieticians and Nutritionists (Russia): Working Group for the Study of Obesity


Chairman of the National Association of Dieticians and Nutritionists (Russia)

Professor Boris S. Kaganov, MD, PhD (Moscow)
Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Medical Science

Executive Director of the National Association of Dieticians and Nutritionists (Russia) and  Chairman of the Working Group for the Study of Obesity

Mikhail V. Zeygarnik, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Russian State Medical University named after N.Pirogov  (Moscow)

Note: Please contact Dr Mikhail V. Zeygarnik for all correspondence.


On 29th November 2010, EASO organised an obesity session as part of the XII All-Russian Congress of
Dieticians and Nutritionists.  The programme is outlined below – for a copy of the presentation slides, please click each presentation title.