Opportunities and Application Deadlines – July 2024

Opportunities and Application Deadlines – July 2024


Poster for the ECN Winter School event in Palma De Mallorca, Spain from 14-16 November 2024, featuring an aerial view of the city with La Seu Cathedral prominently displayed in the center.

Hot Topics in Obesity

Application Deadline: 6th September

➡️ 14-16th November, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

The 2024 programme will focus on ‘Hot Topics in Obesity’, with sessions addressing key issues in research, treatment, and public health. Teaching will be interactive and delivered by European experts and include both lectures and practical training.

  • EASO will offer 40 places for this prestigious course. Therefore, it is important that you provide as much information as possible in your submission, as over 100 applications are usually received for the 40 places.
  • There is no registration fee, and EASO will provide hotel accommodation and all meals for successful applicants. However, the participant must cover all travel costs.

Learn more and apply here for ECN Winter School

Highlights of EASO ECN Activities at ECO2024

A group of people in a room engage in conversations and networking. A screen in the background displays information about an "Early Career Networking EGU Lounge" event.

In collaboration with early-career representatives from Societa Italiana dell’ Obesita (SIO), the Italian Society of Obesity, the ECN Board hosted a range of networking activities aimed at supporting early-career students, researchers and other professionals interested in the field of obesity.

Read more here


A large group of people stands together for a photo. Behind them is a banner promoting the EASO Early Career Network (ECN), highlighting key features such as resources, awards, and networking opportunities.

The ECN is a community for students and early career professionals interested in obesity to collaborate, learn together and share experiences. The EASO ECN is free to join, and members benefit from:

  • Education and training opportunities, including annual residential courses
  • The opportunity to apply to annual early career awards
  • Monthly eLearning Hub online events to support career development

Learn more here

Paige Crompvoets, with long brown hair and wearing a black top smiles at the camera against a plain dark background.Meet Paige Crompvoets, EASO ECN member from The Netherlands

Learn more about Paige’s project of improving the healthcare experiences of patients living with obesity.

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EASO publication in Nature Medicine presenting a new framework for the diagnosis, staging, and management of obesity in adults. EASO logo at the bottom.EASO publication in Nature Medicine presenting a new framework for the diagnosis, staging, and management of obesity in adults. EASO logo at the bottom.EASO publication in Nature Medicine presenting a new framework for the diagnosis, staging, and management of obesity in adults. EASO logo at the bottom.EASO publication in Nature Medicine: A New Framework for the Diagnosis, Staging, and Management of Obesity in Adults.A new framework for the diagnosis, staging and management of obesity in adults

The European Association for the Study of Obesity has published an important new paper in Nature Medicine outlining an updated framework on the diagnosis, staging, and management of obesity in adults, emphasising understanding obesity as an adiposity-based chronic disease. The framework focuses on comprehensive, personalized evaluation and management strategies with the objective of improving health.

An image with text "Providing a Common Language for Obesity: The EASO Obesity Taxonomy. Read more in The International Journal of Obesity." Includes EASO logo and circuit-like design.Providing a common language for obesity: The EASO Obesity Taxonomy

Words matter and accurate framing and consistent terminology use is vital for ensuring accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, consistent research, clear communication, informed policy-making, and overall improved patient outcomes.

Language use aligns the efforts of stakeholders towards a common goal, leading to a more coordinated and effective approach to managing obesity appropriately (as an NCD – a chronic relapsing disease).

Read more here


A diverse group of 13 people, including men, women, a baby, and one person holding the baby, posed and seated in two rows against a plain white background.A diverse group of 13 people, including men, women, a baby, and one person holding the baby, posed and seated in two rows against a plain white background.A diverse group of 13 people, including men, women, a baby, and one person holding the baby, posed and seated in two rows against a plain white background.Meet our Paediatric COMs

We are pleased to introduce Prof. Dr. Daniel Weghuber, COMs Lead at the Department of Pediatrics, Paracelsus Medical University in Austria. Prof. Dr. Weghuber and his multidisciplinary team are at the forefront of paediatric obesity treatment and research, significantly impacting both clinical practice and scientific understanding of obesity in children and adolescents.

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Seven people standing beside a banner with logos, promoting World Obesity Day, March 4, 2024. They are smiling and posing for the photo in an indoor setting.Meet our Adult COMs

We are delighted to introduce Prof. Barbara Ukropcova, lead of the Biomedical Research Center Slovak Academy of Sciences, a COM specialising in adult obesity management in Slovakia.

As well as delivering comprehensive obesity management to patients, this COM conducts biomedical research with a translational component, bringing novel observations to clinical practice and direct benefits for patients by aiming to improve standard care.

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Melania Manco with long brown hair and a bright smile looks directly at the camera against a plain background.Meet Paediatric COMs network Co-Chair: Professor Melania Manco

I would like to facilitate the sharing of best practices among the EASO COMs, particularly practices that address the whole person within their social environment, focus on improving quality of life, and ensure comprehensive and holistic care. Recognizing obesity as a disease in young people is a crucial goal that still requires significant effort. Ensuring that young patients have access to effective treatments, including anti-obesity medications when lifestyle interventions fail, is fundamental to reducing the global burden of obesity.

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Promotional graphic for the EASO COMs Summit on November 27-28, 2024, in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, focusing on obesity management research and patient care. Includes images of two healthcare professionals.SAVE THE DATE!

EASO COMs Summit 2024

27-28th November, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Participation in the COMs Summit is open to multidisciplinary team members working within accredited adult, paediatric, and affiliated EASO COMs across Europe and globally.

Learn more here


Logo and text for Obesity Week 2024, hosted by The Obesity Society in San Antonio, from November 3-6, 2024.ObesityWeek® 2024 – Innovative Science to Transformational Care

3-6 November, San Antonio, Texas

Early-bird registration unit 5th August!

Learn more here

Banner for the 2024 International Congress on Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome by KSSO, happening Sep. 5-7 at Conrad Seoul Hotel, Korea. Includes event logo, skyline illustration, and theme: "Integrating Cutting-Edge Insights in Obesity Management.ICOMES 2024 – International Congress on Obesity and MEtabolic Syndrome

5-7 Sept 2024 in Seoul, Korea

Learn more and register


A stylized graphic with text overlay reading "the changing nature of family medicine - cultivating the future" over an architectural background.29th WONCA Europe Conference

25-28 Sept. 2024 in Dublin, Ireland

Learn more and register


Promotional graphic for the 33rd Congress of the European Childhood Obesity Group from October 8-10, 2024, highlighting the deadline for abstract submission on June 15, 2024.ECOG2024 CONGRESS

Promotional poster for the 33rd Congress of the European Childhood Obesity Group, October 8-10, 2024, highlighting the abstract submission deadline as June 15, 2024.Promotional poster for the 33rd Congress of the European Childhood Obesity Group, October 8-10, 2024, highlighting the abstract submission deadline as June 15, 2024.Promotional poster for the 33rd Congress of the European Childhood Obesity Group, October 8-10, 2024, highlighting the abstract submission deadline as June 15, 2024.8-10 Oct 2024 in Ghent, Belgium

Learn more and register


Logo of ECNP with the text "Neuroscience applied" below. The design includes a stylized white brain on a square blue background next to the text "ecnp" in white lowercase letters.38th ECNP Congress

11-14 October 2024, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Learn more and register

Promotional poster for the 33rd Congress of the European Childhood Obesity Group, October 8-10, 2024, highlighting the abstract submission deadline as June 15, 2024.

The logo for the endo bridge.EndoBridge 2024

17-20 Oct 2024 in Antalya, Turkiye

Clinical Case Submission Deadline:
23 Aug 2024

Learn more here


Logo of the European Public Health Conference. It features three green squares with the letters "E," "P," and "H" and the text "EUROPEAN PUBLIC HEALTH CONFERENCE" to the right of the squares.European Public Health Conference

12-15 Nov 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal

The theme of the 2024 EPH conference is Sailing the waves of European public health: Exploring a sea of innovation.

Learn more and register


Cover of "Obesity Facts" journal issue, featuring the 31st European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2024) held in Venice from May 12-15, 2024. Logos of Nutrition and Dietetics, EASO, and Karger are present.Read the latest edition of OBESITY FACTS Journal

Obesity Facts 2024, Vol. 17, No 3

Read more here







Promotional banner for the 32nd European Congress on Obesity, scheduled for May 11-14, 2025, in Malaga, Spain, featuring cityscape background.

Save the Date

The 32nd European Congress on Obesity (ECO 2025) will take place 11-14 May 2025 in Malaga, Spain – save the dates!

We look forward to hosting you in Malaga!



EASO plays a pivotal role as a dissemination partner and in shaping the strategic direction and policy development within various EU- funded research projects, including Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe initiatives.

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Infographic showcasing seven health organizations: Sophia (predictive health modeling), STAGE (healthy aging), Prevent EU (preventive cancer research), Bio-Streams (childhood obesity), EASO (obesity advocacy), Interact Europe (diet evaluations), and Better4U (diabetes risk reduction).