Obesity Listed as a Chronic Disease within the EU4Health Proposal

Obesity Listed as a Chronic Disease within the EU4Health Proposal

EASO Stakeholder Statement on the European Parliament ENVI Committee Vote on the EU4Health compromise amendments.

EASO (European Association for the Study of Obesity) are delighted to receive confirmation that a compromise amendment (CA 10) listing obesity as a chronic disease within the EU4Health proposal, voted by the ENVI Committee (The Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety) on 14 October, passed with an overwhelming majority:

“With a view to protect people in vulnerable situations, including those suffering from mental illnesses, living with or most affected by communicable or noncommunicable diseases and chronic diseases, such as obesity, cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and neurological disorders, the Programme should also promote actions which address the collateral impacts of the health crisis on people belonging to such vulnerable groups.”

This welcome development pushes our trajectory forward in officially recognising obesity as a chronic, relapsing disease. We emphasise that now is a crucial moment for continuing commitment from the EU institutions in aligning with the science and finally placing obesity in the correct narrative and framing. We would like to express our gratitude to the Members of the European Parliament for their sensibility and nearly unanimous vote in favour of categorising obesity as a chronic disease alongside cancer, diabetes and others.

With the confidence and acknowledgement from the European Parliament ENVI committee, the ECDC (see our statement here), and the European Commission (see our statement here) of obesity as a non-communicable disease, we now call on the European Council to also align with European and international standards.

EASO stands ready to support these developments and turn words into actions in the coming period and guide an action-orientated approach in policy and practice. 

For further insights, please do not hesitate to contact:

Jacqueline Bowman-Busato | jbowman@easo.org (EU Policy Lead) | Mobile: +32 468 222 386


About EASO www.easo.org  | @EASOobesity

Established in 1986, EASO is a federation of professional membership associations from 36 countries, with a network of over 130 specialist Collaborating Centres for Obesity Management across the region. EASO’s mission is to reduce the burden of unhealthy weight, and it promotes action through collaboration in research, education and policy. EASO is in official relations with the WHO Regional Office for Europe, and represents scientists, health care practitioners, physicians, public health experts and patients.