The 3Ds – Discussion, diagnosis and direction: Elements for effective obesity care by healthcare professionals

The 3Ds – Discussion, diagnosis and direction: Elements for effective obesity care by healthcare professionals

This interesting paper endeavours to identify features that may improve obesity care quality using the 3-D approach, which involves Discussion, Diagnosis and Direction [follow-up] by healthcare professionals (HCPs) and is based on Data collected from an online survey completed by HCPs in 11 countries.


Discussion, Diagnosis, Direction are key for effective obesity management

  • Formal training/education could encourage healthcare professional engagement
  • Recorded obesity diagnoses increase the likelihood of weight management discussions
  • Formal diagnosis is likely to result in follow-up appointments, providing direction
  • Understanding the impact of obesity is as important as recognising it as a disease

Specific actions which could improve obesity care through the 3D approach were identified and include: encouraging HCPs to record an obesity diagnosis; providing tools to help HCPs feel more comfortable initiating weight discussions; and provision of training in obesity management.

Clinical trial registration NCT03584191.

Read the full article and details of the study.