Open Access MOOCs of Interest to the EASO Community

Open Access MOOCs of Interest to the EASO Community

EASO is pleased to share free registration information for 2 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).

  • Nutrition Communication for Health Professionals: Key concepts
  • Nutrition Communication for Health Professionals: Applying skills

These courses are FREE and each runs for 3 weeks.  These courses will run consecutively, the first starting on 1st June and the second on 22nd June  and  are suitable for anyone interested in improving their nutrition communication and behaviour change skills, especially health professionals with no previous nutrition expertise.


Course 1

Course 2

In course 1, you will learn the key concepts central to dietary patterns for prevention and management of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, how to talk about diet-related health, and identify the key features of healthy diets.

In course 2, you will learn key concepts related to effective brief communication of nutrition messages, common misconceptions in the about diet with regard to prevention and management of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and when referral to a dietitian for medical nutrition therapy is warranted.

Questions? Please contact Dr Rebecca  Williams