EASO-Novo Nordisk Foundation New Investigator Award in Clinical Research 2023

EASO-Novo Nordisk Foundation New Investigator Award in Clinical Research 2023

Dr Sini Heinonen, MD and Postdoctoral Fellow at HUS (Helsinki University Hospital) in Finland, is being recognised for her pioneering research on the association between obesity and a significant reduction in the mitochondrial capacity of adipose tissue, which profoundly impacts metabolic health. Her current work investigates how weight loss through bariatric surgery can restore adipose tissue metabolism, a key discovery which can support developing new treatments for people with obesity.

Read the full blog post.

The Novo Nordisk Foundation has provided support to the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) for Early Career Network development activities. The Novo Nordisk Foundation has had no influence over award selection or meeting agendas.