Media Coverage from Monday 13 May

Media Coverage from Monday 13 May

Media Coverage from Monday 13th May

Sick leave/absenteeism from work

(12:30-12:45H Weds 15 May, AS14.05 The impact of overweight and obesity on absenteeism from work across 26 European countries: an analysis of EHIS 3 microdata)

The Times – part 1 here and part 2 here

BBC news – Obese people take more sick days off work, study claims (
Yahoo (Australia) – Obese people take more sick days off work, study claims (
The Guardian (UK) – Overweight people more likely to take sick leave, European study finds | Obesity | The Guardian
The Sun (UK) – Obese Brits struggling to work as study shows overweight people take more sick days | The Sun
Daily Mail (UK) – Obese Brits put the whole country in the slow lane: Fat staff are twice as likely to take time off sick and are ‘seriously hampering economic growth’, report finds | Daily Mail Online

Source of Sugar

(12:45-13:00H Tues 14 May,  AS10.06 The associations of sugar intake and its food sources in early childhood with children’s body weight)

Press Association UK, as seen in 100s of UK outlets, including:
The Independent – Source of sugar, not just amount, could impact weight in children – study | The Independent
Turkish Media (Turkey) – According to the study, not only the amount of sugar, but also its source can affect weight in children – Child Health – Center for Discussion and Sharing – Turkish Forum – Turkish Forum / Board / Blog (
Nouvelles du Monde (France) – Source of sugar, not just quantity, could impact children’s weight – study – World News (
India Today – Type of sugar more important than amount in developing childhood obesity – India Today

Children using screens while eating

(Green Visual Communication 950 ‘Is the use of screens during mealtime associated with the waist-to-weight ratio of school-aged children?’)

The Telegraph (UK) – click here

Daily Mail (UK) – Children who use phones or watch television at mealtimes are significantly more likely to be overweight, study finds | Daily Mail Online
The Western Australian – Children who use phones or watch TV during mealtimes more likely to be overweight | The West Australian

Smoking and eating habits

(Green Visual Communication 100 ‘The association of smoking with different eating and dietary behaviours: a cross-sectional analysis of 83,781 UK adults’) La Razon (daily newspaper Spain) – They finally explain how smoking helps you lose weight and why quitting it makes you fat (
ABC news (Spain) – This Is Why Quitting Smoking Makes You Fat (