Obesity Management Working Group

The OMWG forms a network of European and international experts, working in clinical management and research.

The EASO OMWG (formerly OMTF) will comprise the following members:

  • Co-Chair
  • Co-Chair
  • Ex Officio – EASO Executive Director
  • Members co-opted and acknowledged for specific projects.

The OMWG forms a network of European and international experts, working in clinical management and research.  The OMWG offers offer expert opinion and input to EASO activities, and reports to the Board of Trustees via its Co-Chairs who shall be invited to report to Executive Committee meetings.

The Co-Chairs of the OMWG will be appointed by the EASO Board of Trustees and shall serve a term of 3 years.  Each Co-Chair may be appointed for a maximum of 2 full terms.

OMWG Co-Chairs will propose projects using the standard EASO Project Proposal process.


  • Co-Chair: Barbara McGowan (United Kingdom)
  • Co-Chair: Andreea Ciudin (Spain)

Terms of Reference

  • To create a network of specialists in obesity management across the EASO member countries
  • To identify hot topics and areas of interest in adult obesity management, and prepare expert statements and recommendations
  • To contribute to the development of ECO programmes via membership of the Programme Organising Committee (POC)
  • To develop topic specific Teaching Sessions and/or Symposia at each ECO
  • To contribute the to the development of Masterclass, ECN and Teaching school programmes
  • To contribute the to the development of Masterclass and Teaching School programmes
  • To host OMWG symposia at National Association meetings when invited
  • To contribute to EASO symposia and sessions at relevant partner society congresses where appropriate
  • To review adult COMs applications