Newsletter November 2020

Newsletter November 2020

Announcing ECO2021: The 28th European Congress on Obesity

EASO is pleased to announce that the 28th annual European Congress on Obesity, #ECO2021, will be held online from 10-13 May 2021. We are very grateful to our Spanish colleagues, who have been instrumental in developing the interactive 2021 programme, originally due to take place in the bespoke convention centre in Malaga. Planning for the virtual congress, which will offer excellent scientific and clinical learning opportunities is well underway.

More information will be available soon on the ECO2021 website.

ECO2020 ReplayThanks again to our faculty, organisers, sponsors, National Associations, COMs friends, and colleagues from around the globe. 3000+ delegates joined us during 4 days for over 250 virtual presentations in 77 congress sessions at #ECOICO2020. Remember, all sessions are available to review until early December on the congress platform.

If you haven’t yet registered but want to view the sessions, you can register today for full access.

Register for access


European policy impacting obesity is a priority of EASO. We run an annual
Europe-wide campaign, European Obesity Day, which includes a high level
policy conference. The KOLs in our Public Health Task Force, Obesity
Management Task Force and Childhood Obesity Task Force issue position
papersand guidance on key issues in policy that impact obesity.

EASO Advocacy Stakeholder SessionEASO Advocacy Stakeholder Session: Leveraging Evidence for Policy Change 17 December 2020 15:00-16:30 CET

EASO is pleased to announce the first in a series of Advocacy Stakeholder Sessions: a chance for EASO members, partners and constituencies to come together around key issues, and to share perspectives on how to drive change from policies to practice.

Register Now!

Rebecca Evans and Anna CoatesUK Government New Proposal for a Total Ban of Unhealthy Food and Beverage Advertising Online

In effort to address the rising prevalence of obesity, the UK government recently announced plans to implement a total ban on online junk food advertising, restrictions which would amount to the toughest on digital marketing in the world.

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EASO Publication Spotlight: Obesity Prevalence in the Long-term Future in 18 European Countries and in the USA

Obesity Facts Logo

Obesity constitutes a major public health problem in Europe, but how the obesity epidemic in European countries will evolve remains unknown.

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Additional articles relevant to obesity and COVID-19 are also available to review.

Launch of European Alliance for Value in HealthEuropean Alliance Formed to put Value and Outcomes at Centre of Health Systems

The Alliance represents a broad group of European associations representing patients, scientific and professional societies, healthcare managers, hospitals, regional health authorities and life-science industries.

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Implementing Obesity as a Key NCD as Part of the EU4Health Programme

EU Health Collaboration Logo

Call for alignment of the Council with the European Parliament and European Commission in implementing obesity as a key NCD as part of the EU4Health Programme and beyond.

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Obesity Listed as a Chronic Disease Within the EU4health Proposal

EASO Stakeholder Statement on the European Parliament ENVI Committee Vote on the EU4Health compromise amendments.

EASO (European Association for the Study of Obesity) are delighted to receive confirmation that a compromise amendment (CA 10) listing obesity as a chronic disease within the EU4Health proposal, voted by the ENVI Committee (The Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety) on 14 October, passed with an overwhelming majority.

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International Doctoral Programme in Epidemiology and Public Health IPPE Tampere UniversitiesNew Investigator PhD Opportunity in Epidemiology and Public Health

EASO is pleased to announce a funded, English language doctoral training and research opportunity in Finland for epidemiologists, researchers and public health students available to colleagues worldwide. The Health Sciences Unit in Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University, Finland is inviting applications from qualified candidates to its International Doctoral Programme in Epidemiology and Public Health, (IPPE).

Learn more and apply


EASO develops high quality education and training resources for
clinicians and HCPs working in obesity treatment and care. Educational
tools include courses, an open access eTraining platform in multiple languages,
guidelines, slide decks, webcasts and standardised course content.

The EASO Obesity Masterclass Series began last week and runs through mid-December, with tracks in both childhood and adult clinical management.

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The New Investigators United Winter School begins soon! On day two the 2020 Best Thesis Award will be announced.

Learn more about the Winter School

Graduate students and early-career professionals are invited to join the network.

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Thanks to the hundreds of delegates who participated in our recent COMs webinar: Is Weight Loss via a Very Low Calorie Ketogenic Diet (VLCKD): A Tool for Obesity Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Obesity Day Europe 4 March 2021

World Obesity Day Logo

All across Europe, we are working together to address obesity.

Mark your calendars for
Obesity Day Europe
4 March, 2021

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Connect, engage and follow us @ObesityDayEU, #ObesityDayEurope, @EASOobesity, thank you for your support.


EASO has a key role in disseminating evidence-based
information about the COVID-19 pandemic among our
National Associations and members, clinicians, scientists,
research professionals and ECPO patient communities.

Let’s Talk Obesity Webinars Reached 1.6 Million People During Covid-19

The Turkish Association of Obesity Studies has been pleased to host the Let’s Talk Together campaign, a series of talks and presentations from eight Turkish COMs Centres. These resources have reached well over 1.5 million people during the COVID-19 pandemic to date.

Read the blog post by EASO’s Dr Volkan Yumuk and watch the promo video.

Obesity impacts NCDs and Communicable Disease too: ACE2 receptor in human adipose tissueObesity Impacts NCDs and Communicable Disease Too: ACE2 Receptor in Human Adipose Tissue

Obesity not only increases the risk of many other noncommunicable diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, several types of cancer and respiratory diseases, it also impacts communicable diseases.

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Survival Advantage of Bariatric Surgery Patients With and Without Diabetes


We are pleased to share this important new paper from EASO Obesity Management Task Force (OMTF) Co-Chair Dr Dror Dicker and colleagues.

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EASO has developed a network of accredited specialised obesity centres, where the quality and efficacy of the care offered to patients are of the highest standards. Under the EASO Collaborating Centres for Obesity Management (COM) scheme, centres will be accredited in accordance with accepted European guidelines.

COMS CertificateEASO Individual Certification in Obesity Management

The EASO National Clinical Fellow and European Clinical Fellow certification programmes are open for application.

Learn more and apply


EASO acts as a dissemination and communications partner in a number of important EU funded Horizon 2020 research projects, often as WP leader.

Protein: Research Initiative Using AI and Big Data to Promote Health and Wellbeing

PROTEIN is a research initiative led by a consortium of European public- and private-sector organizations working to promote health and wellbeing. By bringing together experts from across Europe, PROTEIN will develop tools using the latest communications technologies and machine learning strategies to provide personalized nutrition and physical activity support to EU citizens.

Learn more about the PROTEIN Project


SWEET, a European Commission Horizon 2020 funded project, is supported by a consortium of 29 pan-European research, consumer and industry partners, who arel reviewing and developing evidence on long term benefits and potential risks involved in switching over to sweeteners and sweetness enhancers (S&SEs) in the context of public health and safety, obesity, and sustainability.

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Gender Equality in the H2020 Sweet Project

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EASO Members FlagsEASO Members

EASO National Association members and stakeholders come from a wide range of professions and include clinicians, allied health professionals and scientists working in obesity research, clinical management and education. Our network includes patient groups led by ECPO, opinion leaders and advocacy leaders; health focused organisations, sister societies, national governments, policy makers, representatives of the European institutions and the wider international obesity community.

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