New Early Career Network Event: “How to have effective career development in obesity research” with Dr. Arya M. Sharma, MD

New Early Career Network Event: “How to have effective career development in obesity research” with Dr. Arya M. Sharma, MD

Join us for the EASO Early Career Network (ECN) eLearning Hub event featuring esteemed obesity expert, Dr Arya M. Sharma. Dr Sharma will be discussing his exciting personal career pathway and providing tips to early career professionals on how to maximise opportunities for effective career development in the field of obesity. There will be time at the end of the event to ask questions and have further discussion with Dr Sharma. This 1-hour online event takes place at 12pm CET/ 11am GMT January 17, 2023

EASO Early Career Network board members will host the event and be ready to answer any questions you may have about the Early Career Network.

Dr Arya M. Sharma is a Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Past-Chair in Obesity Research and Management at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. He is also the Past-Clinical Co-Chair of the Alberta Health Services Obesity Program. In addition to this, Dr. Sharma is founder and Scientific Director of the Obesity Canada (formerly Canadian Obesity Network), a network of over 10,000 obesity researchers, health professionals and other stakeholders. He is also a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences.He is also the Past-President of the Canadian Association of Bariatric Physicians and Surgeons. His research focuses on the evidence-based prevention and management of obesity and its complications. He has authored and co-authored more than 500 scientific articles and has lectured widely on the etiology and management of obesity and related cardiovascular disorders. Dr. Sharma is regularly featured as a medical expert in national and international TV and print media and maintains a widely read obesity blog at

If you are not already a ECN member, please follow the link below to join before registering for this webinar:

Twitter: @EASOobesityECN
Facebook: EASOobesity Early Career Network

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