Media coverage on Sunday 9 May

Media coverage on Sunday 9 May

For this year’s ECO, the team decided to allow journalists to cover some abstracts on Sunday 9 May, before the congress started, to spread our media coverage over separate days.

Here are some of the highlights of yesterday’s coverage.

Posters EP4-07 and EP4-08 – dietary supplements for weight loss

Erica Bessell, University of Sydney, Australia

Complementary medicines for weight loss not justified, study suggests

Herbal and Dietary Supplements “Have No Effect on Weight Loss” Diets and Diets
Les suppléments à base de plantes et diététiques «n’ont aucun effet sur la perte de poids» Régimes et régimes | FR24 News France

The Sunday Times (see print article picture below)

Guardian (Observer) (UK and global)
Herbal and diet supplements ‘have no effect on weight loss’ | Diets and dieting | The Guardian

Mail on Sunday (UK and global)
Herbal remedies such as green tea and African mango beloved by celebrities do not help dieters lose weight, research claims

MSN (global)
Herbal and diet supplements ‘have no effect on weight loss’ (

Sydney News Today (Australia)
Herbs and Diet Supplements “Do Not Affect Weight Loss” | Diets and Diets – Sydney News Today

Poster EP3-33 – vegetarians have more healthy biomarker profiles than meat eaters

Carlos Celis-Morales and Solange Parra Soto, University of Glasgow, UK

Nach Welt  (Germany)
Vegetarier haben gesündere Krankheitsmarker als Fleischesser – Nach Welt (

Guardian (Observer) (UK and global)
Vegetarians less prone to disease
Herbal and diet supplements ‘have no effect on weight loss’ | Diets and dieting | The Guardian

Telegraph (In print and online) (UK and global)
Being vegetarian makes you less likely to develop cancer and heart disease, major study finds (

ANI (Asia’s premier News Agency)  – as seen in:
Hindustan Times
Study shows vegetarians have healthier disease markers than meat-eaters | Hindustan Times

Yahoo Style (global)
Vegetarians have healthier levels of disease markers than meat-eaters: Study (